"A half-hour animated comedy series that ruthlessly examines British values through the lens of Britain’s oldest all-boys boarding school and its eccentric residents!"

If you would like to view the pitching materials for our animated TV show, St. Bernard's School for BoysGet in Touch!
Pitch Bible - Title Page
Pitch Bible - Title Page
Pitch Bible - Summary Page
Pitch Bible - Summary Page
Visual Development
Caspian - Character Design Evolution
Teaser Animation - Storyboard Extract
Title page idea 1 - scamp
Title page idea 1 - scamp
Title page idea 2 - scamp
Title page idea 2 - scamp
Promo poster scamp
Promo poster scamp
Spotify playlist thumbnail
Spotify playlist thumbnail
Fu character page - scamp 1
Fu character page - scamp 1
Fu character page - scamp 2
Fu character page - scamp 2
Caspian character page - scamp
Caspian character page - scamp
Thanks for having a look at St. Bernard's School for Boys! If you would like to view our pitching materials, or want to let us know what you think, Get in Touch!
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